Now that Donald Trump is out of office the Biden administration is hard at work to reverse everything which was done over the last four years. Perhaps not literally everything, but a lot.
Something else happening is further claims about how irrational Donald Trump was as President. Recent comments by Dr. Fauci say how refreshing it is to no longer be working for Trump. Yet what's the truth of these claims?
There are numerous reports describing Donald Trump's behavior as President as childish. One was by the person labeled as "Anonymous". Yet in the end it turns out "Anonymous", regardless of the truth of his accusations, lied about his identity. He wasn't a White House insider but a high level staffer at DHS. In addition, "Anonymous" (Miles Taylor) had previously denied the identity when initially asked by the press if it was him.
Other reports of the Trump administration portray a President who listened to policy debate, asked reasoned questions, and made thoughtful decisions (see "You're Hired!" by Casey B. Mulligan). Which version is true?
It's hard to say the reality of Trump's behavior. Descriptions of his Presidency are strongly based on the opinions of those doing the describing. I haven't seen objective hard evidence presented (e.g. taped together documents from reports Trump routinely ripped up things he didn't like), so we're dependent on news reports, largely by overtly anti-Trump media companies, sourced by people who have a reason to dislike the Trump administration.
Dr. Fauci says it's refreshing not to work for Trump, yet Dr. Fauci has lied to the public (and admitted it), both about masks (in March, 2020 he said they aren't needed, around July he admitted he lied because they didn't want common people buying scarce maks) and about herd immunity (admitting he stated the percentage of the population needed for herd immunity based on what he thought the public would accept).
So what's the truth? Especially after Donald Trump's failure to accept the election the best political move many can take is to talk about the horrors of Trump. I'm sure we'll see books from former members of the administration talking about the horror of the Trump White House (and a few others about how great it was). Yet can we know the truth? The Trump administration has been defined by the highly polarized positions of this supporters and opponents. Will people lie about him? "The Resistance" was formed to get him out of office "by any means". It seems clear many allies have been willing to support impossible election fraud claims.
It may be we never know the truth of what went on in the White House.