Big news this week is that Dr. Seuss is being "cancelled". More specifically a few of his books which have been declared "racist" -- expressing racial stereotypes which some find offensive.
To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street has been removed from publication, apparently because of one picture in the book showing a stereotypical Chinese man holding chopsticks. This has apparently been declared offensive. There are a few other pictures in the book which stereotype other groups, I'm not sure if they're part of the reason that the book is so bad.
Coincidentally, I decided to finally watch the Star Wars movie "Rogue One". This movie is praised for a female lead and a "diverse" cast. Yet I find it odd when watching the movie. The female lead is an English actress, so no diversity there. Of the various characters one is a stereotypical oriental martial arts master. I can't see that as any less "offensive" (that Chinese are martial arts masters) than the Dr. Seuss stereotype of Chinese clothing.
A few other characters fit other stereotypes, yet apparently these are ok in the movie context. Of course, the overtly white males are all officers of the Empire and thus villains.
Still, it seems it would be as easy to declare Rogue One as "racist" as it is to declare Dr. Seuss "racist".