Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Has Trump lost the election

The media is telling us how far behind Donald Trump is in the polls. There are regular articles about how Trump's presidency is melting down and in panic.

It might be informative to consider the situation four years ago. In 2016 after Trump clinched the nomination and before the convention he trailed Hillary Clinton in the polls by about the same percentage as today. Four years ago Hillary Clinton was a candidate without a strong, excited base. She was unable to get much of the Obama vote, in particular in the swing states which mattered.

So today? Trump trails in the polls. He has an opponent who hasn't generated a lot of excitement. For many on the left Joe Biden's chief appeal is that he isn't Donald Trump. People have publicly stated they are voting for Biden as a vote against Trump, especially to to get around some of the unpalatable things in Biden's past.

We shall see how the election progresses.

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