Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Did the FBI spy on the Trump campaign?

This is a little past the news cycle, but a week or so ago there was a dispute between Attorney General Barr, who talked about the FBI spying on the Trump campaign, and officials who said it didn't.

I've found the answer to this in the Lisa Page congressional testimony which is now publically available.

When asked if the FBI spied on the Trump campaign she said that the FBI does not spy. Spying is a foreign government trying to get information in the US. The FBI does not spy on people, it investigates.

But this is simply a matter of definition. By her definition the FBI cannot "spy" because "spying" is between governments or nations. So we're down to the definition of a word, but the truth is the FBI was actively (spying / investigating) the Trump campaign. Does it really matter which term is used?

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