Tuesday, October 15, 2019

If there's a "Deep State", here's why they're afraid of Trump

We hear a lot about the "Deep State" that conservatives claim is opposed to President Trump. Two recent executive orders by President Trump show a reason why the deep state might be so strongly opposed to his presidency.

This article in Forbes summarizes the two executive orders and provides links to them. These executive orders instruct agencies to use formal rulemaking to guide regulations. Today too often agencies instead use informal guidance and often impose rules after the fact. Informal rulemaking is also too often used with implied threats of "investigation" if some agency guidance isn't followed. When I have talked to people subject to regulation (e.g. bankers) the major complaint about regulators is that the regulations aren't clear and often appear arbitrary.

Now let's hope these executive orders are implemented and that the next President doesn't quietly reverse them.

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